
How to...

13 décembre 2015


This DIY is more for the sewers among our readers who will, for sure, know the same problem I always have when working with jersey: the ends do roll up by themselves and I never get them out, so I just cut them away and collect them for some tinkering… And now is the right moment to take them out to create some Christmas tree ornaments.


What else do you need?

  • a needle
  • some threat
  • a lot of pearls of different colors, forms and size


  • a pair of scissors
  • and naturally a lot of jersey ends of different color



The first thing to do is to cut of the rolled ends of the jersey, the length should be around 30 – 40 cm and the width around 3-4 cm. Cut off 15 – 20 cm of thread and pull it through the needle. Select one pearl which will represent the stem of your Christmas tree. Pull the needle with the thread through the pearl and fix it with a double knot. Take one of the jersey “snakes” and fold it after the first 15 cm for the base of your tree. Now fix your pearl in the middle of this first layer, pull the needle with the thread through the layer and add a new pearl before folding the next layer. Each layer of your tree needs to get shorter til the end.


Repeat this step until you come to the end of your tree, then select a shinier pearl (maybe in form of a star) to finish the tree. Fix this last one in passing the thread around the pearl and back through it before pulling the needle with the thread back through the last 2-3 layers before fixing the thread with a double knot. Leave the threat long enough as you might want to suspend it on your Christmas tree!


Your Christmas tree is finished!


Now you can use your trees to decorate your house…

I use some masking tape to fix them on the walls in our house before decorating our Christmas tree with them next week!


In another post, I will show you how I transformed these ornaments for our Christmas cards!

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I’m Frédérique, fortysomething, mum, maker and craft blogger with a penchant for chaos...

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